
Friday 4 September 2009

Web Comic Evaluation

Ive put a lot of effort into this project and it has made me seriously consider making web comics on a regular basis after I enjoyed making this one so much. I'm really happy with how my strips all turned out and I'm glad that I kept most of their framing's similar otherwise I think the format may have become confusing. I think my strips may have suffered from being slightly repetitive. I think this is down to my subject choice, if I had made any more strips I think I would struggle for ideas. I'm particularly pleased with the quality of my art work as I put in a lot of time into painting each frame of my pictures rather than just relying on computer technology. I think this made my pictures a lot more interesting to look at and also made my strips more unique as well. If I were able to do these strips again I think I would integrate photography into the backgrounds however I used the backgrounds that I did because I wanted the viewer to look at the characters closely rather than the whole picture. This is also why I chose simple text and made key words bolder than other so that I could focus the viewers attention on a subject and hopefully get them to think about it. I have had mixed results with my strips effectiveness, some people have done what the strip intends for them to do instantly other people have not even noticed. If I could improve my comic I definitely would improve its effectiveness however I'm not quite sure how I would do this.

1 comment:

Dan Berry said...

Hi Chris - Thanks, this has been great fun to read.

I think that some of the strips could have benefited from using a couple more panels to build suspense, but otherwise, it looks great.

Thanks - Dan