
Friday 20 May 2011

Cutout Animation - Pizza Parlour

Here is another animation that I have completed for my university course. The brief tasked us on editing audio we had recorded from the Internet or radio and then animating an appropriate short to fit around the audio. In theme with the 'cut' audio The characters in the animation also had to be made into several different cutout parts. To do this we decided to cut up photos of people and materials, then rearrange them to make our new characters which then could be animated. The only problem I found with this form of animation was that ridged edges were clearly visible on the characters limbs. Much like a puppet, they had limited amounts of movement they could achieve without looking unconvincing. Despite this I'm fairly happy with the overall animation. Visually it looks quite quirky and it doesn't distract from the audio; which in this case is more important than the actual animation. I animated both scenes in Flash separately and then exported them into Sony Vegas. I did this so that I could achieve the split screen effect across the screen. I did this by masking the two videos over each other. This draws more attention to the characters in the animation and also gives the animation a little bit of added style.

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