
Monday, 8 March 2010

Apple cartoon


Here is a sketch that I did quite recently and decided to colour in just today. Ive gone through my normal steps of scanning in then live tracing the character in Adobe illustrator. I then coloured the character in using Adobe Flash CS4. The background was also created in flash using layers of the same bitmap using a different colour. The scratches on the border were done with Adobe Photoshop using a mouse to add a bit of depth to the image. I really like this design just because it makes me laugh to be honest, overall Ive done better sketches (not to say I'm not happy with this one) but I think humour should never be a forgotten factor. I think if I were to change it at all I would make the outlines a bit darker on the character and also make him slightly more central than he is.  


Term paper guide said...

very funny.... cool blog ... really great .

Unknown said...

wow thanks!