
Friday, 12 February 2010

Live Trace and Vector Art

Here I have made another image using illustrator to live trace one of my sketches and make into a full design using a combination of Illustrator, Flash and Photoshop. Below is the original sketch which I drew using a ink pen. I scanned the image in and using 'Live trace' in Adobe Illustrator I made the character into a vector shape.

I then exported my character into flash were I coloured it in using solid fill tools. I then made the banner in the background using the vector line tool. Once I had completed the banners shape I added text over it. I then applied shading to the text and the banner. I then added some small details to my character with the brush tools such as freckles and hair detail. I then exported the image as a PNG file into Photoshop were I used a stock photograph of some wood as the background to the image. To achieve the effect on the wood I applied a cutout filter. I then added a shadow to my banner using Photoshop's layer blending properties as the final touch to the image.

Here is the final image. I'm really happy with this it. I really like the colours I have used especially on the banner. I think the shadow on the background creates a needed depth to the image. If I were to change anything I would bring the text up on the banner to make the image more even.

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