
Friday, 16 October 2009

Photo Manipulation

Using Adobe CS4 Photoshop I have changed this picture several times. The idea behind changing this image was to make the picture feel a bit more positive as the the original image is a bit depressing.

In this image I have applied several different filters to the woman in the picture. First off I changed the colour of her hair using a colour balance layer. Then I changed her eye colour using the same method. I then removed the tear marks using the clone stamp tool, the patch tool and the healing brush. Once I had done this I softened her skin by making to blurred layers into mask layers above the picture, the masks contrasted on brightness and darkness which removes contrast on her skin. I then erased any of the masking over crucial details e.g. the eyes, hair and neck-less to sharpen the picture out. Then using the liquify tool I changed her eyes by making them more dilated and also changing her frown into a smirk.

I then decided to thin her face out using the liquify tool once again. Finally I changed the brightness and contrast to make the image pop out a bit more. I'm really happy with the final outcome of this Photoshop, if not a little creep out by how much I have managed to change her face.

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